Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Everyday stress

I got another lead on the story. I'm so incredibly excited, because I'm so close to finishing. These are the types of stories you dream about, or read about other's doing. This is why I moved to New York.

I'm really struggling though with taking time away from work. I know this sounds weird, but I'm losing my mind. I take on so much, I don't have my life together at ll. I could have gone to work and done an amazing job, but my life feels in shambles the second I clock out. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do. I just need to take a day off to myself. Clean my apartment, get my ducks in a row and then get back at it.

I just need a personal day.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

I am

I am unorganized.
I am a journalist seeking a big story to make my name in the news industry.
I am a small-town girl living in the Big Apple.
I am best friends with my cat.
I am alone, trying to navigate life while looking for friendship.
I am afraid of the government corruption in this city and what it can do next.
I am willing to do whatever it takes to inform readers and get the story -- even if my career is put on the line.

BIG News!

**I apologize for the amount of all caps in this post. You all have no idea how excited I am right now.

Oh my goodness! I can't believe I haven't updated this in a few days. I've been SUPER busy and I have HUGE  news!

1. My editor and I got into it the other day. She wanted me to give up after continuously running into dead ends. I understand that she's worried, I'm scared shitless. But this story, it's bigger than anything I've ever done. This is the story I need to make a name for myself. It's the story that will put me up in the ranks as one of the top journalists, EVER. But understandable. We've all been meeting the bar, and in private. How can my editor trust my sources? It's not like she can come and meet with us.

2. Rocket and I got into Sector B!!! He showed me the entrance and we went in. ANNNNND I think I have an handle on where Blaire is. We asked around and showed the flyer Alec gave us. Lots of people recognized her, and I finally feel like we are SO CLOSE. I knew the police were lying. Someone told me the police chief is SOLELY responsible for sending her to Sector B. She was reassigned to that Sector, but we don't know what happened.  Getting in was INSANE. There's barbed wire all over, and police and gov. officials are guarding it with their lives. Getting in isn't the hard part, it's getting out when you aren't allowed. There's theories out there, and our next step is to get a game plan. I can't thank Rocket enough, he's the one who is helping me make the name for myself. This whole group of people is incredible. Every single one of them have helped me so much throughout this entire process.

Get ready world, my story is happening.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Police Interview

I can't believe I didn't post about our interview with the NYPD in Sector B the other day. Rocket and I went to try to see if they would come clean about Blaire being stuck in Sector B, but naturally, they didn't. They had some lie about searching Sector B for her, and how they still believe Tim is responsible.

Look, I know he has a troubled past, but Tim is a good guy. My gut is telling me no. The police won't even let me talk about Sector B anymore, I know they're hiding something.

Rocket and I are meeting today to talk about it some more. He said he knows something more.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


This is the "trailer" of my life. I've always had a passion for photos, so I wanted to share this slideshow of my life. A little background, I come from Morgantown, W. Va. and a few years ago I made the (terrifying) move to New York City. If you didn't know already, I'm a journalist. But I'm also trying to get my life together. This isn't just a collection of photos, this is really a glimpse into my life then and now. I'm really pleased with how it juxtaposes my experiences and memories in Morgantown, with the ones I'm making in NYC.

I hope you enjoy it, if anything enjoy the Christina Aguilera throwback (I know I did).